I’m a multi-disciplinary visual artist from rural Ireland and I work in sculpture, painting and textiles, exploring mythology, retro-futurism and domesticity as a method to speculate Irish futures.  

My works resemble household features and systems that dissect the modernisation of my cultural heritage, and I use multi-disciplinary processes to reflect the specificity of each project I investigate. Retro-futurism as a theme proposes an uncanny familiarity for my works to help me explore a collective memory of cultural heritage, and reflect on the future of architecture and domesticity specific to a decolonised Ireland. I want to encourage the viewer to think more deeply about the materials we surround ourselves with through a blurred image of past, present and future.

At this moment I am researching Irish mythology and Irish legends, familiarising myself with the ancient history of my culture and its relationship with the landscapes I grew up in. The stories from mythology and illustrations from Celtic manuscripts have inspired a new line of enquiry in my practice which I am currently investigating, combining decorative symbols and mechanical components to imagine mythological architectures.

b. 1998, Co. Meath, Ireland. 

Based in East London.

